Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Hello you lovely lot! It came to my attention a few days ago that I haven't uploaded a blog for a while. Sorry about that. Having just checked my page I have realised that I actually haven't written one since 23rd June so it has been a little while. I could try and come up with a million reasons and excuses as to why I haven't but the simple answer is I haven't known what to say. I keep up to date checking in on the Instagram page that goes along with this blog: @thelastofmythoughts (If you don't already you should go and give it a follow please!). 

During the lockdown months my life has been pretty basic. I help out at home, I watch day time tv, I continue to binge watch shows on Disney+ and slowly make my way through Criminal Minds with my family (we're currently on Season 9). I also make the occasional Tik Tok, colour sometimes, read my books and try to dwindle the large pile I have which seems to always get bigger rather than smaller. The main point I'm trying to make is right now I don't really have anything of importance or interest to say. 

As I explained from the beginning I've never been political or one to give massive life changing judgements. So for me as a teenager to comment on the big things in life at the moment such as Covid, Black Lives Matter or the state of the government didn't seem right and I would more than likely make a mess of things, get something wrong and accidentally offend somebody so I will definitely stay away from there. They say it's better to be safe than sorry.

However, I do want to use this blog more affectively because I find this a happy place to voice my opinion on things that I like. So I'm going to try to continue to do as I have been doing. So the kind of things you will probably find over the coming months will include: uni life, books, musicals, movie and television reviews and maybe some more stories of the trips I go on with family and friends if allowed with the current guidelines!

I hope some of you continue to read along to my blogs as I come up with more ideas of what to write about and if anybody has any suggestions for what they'd like to read about then let me know on the comments here or on my Instagram page.

Hope everyone is staying safe and happy!

- Courtney -